Suppose you zaimeli site and all you need for happiness - it is tons of visitors. More simply - or if you have something to sell, or you have a share, or change. Benefits of options for finding contacts in the Internet through its website does not find it.
But there is a problem - the site is more than that - your site is hanging on a nice domain and content site, well just outside the competition, but the site is not known to anyone, except you and those who you personally informed about this. The site is simply not in search engines, because and technology, which uses search engine, does not pay attention to the existence of your child.
But if the robot and found your site, it sits itself somewhere in one of the last pages to get out and request that would have to reach it, you need to spend a lot of time, submerging all the hyperlinks on the deeper (It may be that to the very bottom). And who is viewing the dark links, which gives, for example, Google, vyzhimaya from the Internet every effort? How it be? How can I make sure that the site would appear on the first page that he was a second, third or, more pleasantly, the first in the list?
To help arrive Technology SEO.
If you decipher this acronym, it is - Search Engine Optimization, which translates as search optimization. It is good that all (or sometimes even just some) methods of optimizing a website for search engines, has resulted in the popularity of the site grows, and consequently you, to ensure, for which, strictly speaking, it created - the site comes to the people and this people is beginning to contact you personally.
And if another factor to take into account the ad, which is now simply can not be taken into account, then your site becomes a potential source of income - because of effective advertising, you can not poimet little money.
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