Saturday, February 21, 2009

SEO - Copywriting

Any web resource that has to spin and take a high position in the chosen niche, should be regularly updated with new information that the visitor will cling to the heart and not give him or her to relax - this axiom is known to any webmaster, and the implementation of the concept of filling sites valuable content every minute around the world spent a very decent money. And it is no wonder - the commercial project needs in the texts that will guide visitors on the merits of a product; entertaining sites need constant updating of outdated materials, and media seeking to ensure that the news would have been filed not only timely but also entertaining, with so as not been able to do its competitors.

Thus it turns out that the original content is not only a success for the owner of a particular site, but also a permanent source of income for those who have the inclination to write articles, reviews and other textual materials on a topic. In this small article we will look at the phenomenon of SEO-copywriting, and give practical advice for those who wish to devote their time, this fascinating work, but this work - if you come to it seriously - may well become the main alternative to the specialty, what would it was not. But everything in order.

Occupation copywriter (copywriter) appeared long before the Internet and the activities of the person who contracted it, was that to create a slogan or the text of a presentation that would not leave the consumer indifferent to advertised and promoted on the market. In other words, copywriter (classical) - a person who is able to issue slogans put in memory and to encourage certain actions. This definition has retained its importance and so far, but now, copywriters often be called such a man who knows how to write texts on the subject (often narrow), and, as a rule - on the order. Activities copywriter - a source of constantly increasing the content of any, even the less popular website, which seeks to preserve and, of course, to multiply its position. Thus, the question - "Where to get the content?" - Very often you can hear - "Please refer to the copywriter.

Copywriter same can be born, but they can become - it all depends on the specific rights and his or her abilities. Ability may occur immediately, but may be felt, and some time later. But the fact remains that if a person opened a gift such as the ability to coherently express their thoughts and then record them on a CD, or - it would, without doubt, can go where the work is devoted to this article. To date, there is a considerable amount of web services operating on the principle of exchange - copywriters send texts that are displayed on the server to the browsing mode, and wishing to acquire these texts, spread money and become owners of unique content for your site. Addresses of such systems, through which the purchase and sale of unique content, you can easily find a typical search requests - we will not have the specific url, just for the simple reason that it can be considered as advertising the course, whereas our resource is not engaged in the promotion of any site.

The challenge faced by the copywriter, often consists of two elements. First, it directly text - text that is interesting, original and informative. But what concerns the second element, it needed a special explanation. As you know, cyberspace and the principles on which it develops, to a large extent, based on the results of search engine queries on key user - in fact, at present, namely, search engines are the main source of targeted traffic on almost all the resources that are available for viewing.

For this reason, optimization of a particular site to search engines is one of the most important factors, which ultimately leads visitors to this page. Optimizing a site for search engines (so called CEAUX company) includes not only the organization correct perelinkovki pages within the site, not only the deployment of external links to your site from other, more important, resources, and not just the constant build-up of these references, and even with well placement of key words in those texts that are included in search engine and are available for public viewing. For this reason, people who aspire to a particular text was discovered bot and took his place in the issuance, pay great attention to precisely optimize the text content of specific key requests - in fact they are a source of targeted traffic.

The second challenge facing the copywriter, is that a result of his work was a text which, in addition to the purely informative aspects would include an additional and necessary, the optimal number of keywords that are intended specifically for the search bot. The above shows that the copywriter should be able to not only write text on the same topic, but also to optimize them, depending on whether, under what key requests in the future they will come. If you touch the topic of keywords, the amount of this article are unlikely to be enough for that to describe all the tricks which are dyed copywriters to achieve the optimum combination of informative text and density of its keywords. Note only that the criterion of 3-8% is in agreement that the best - if this text does not become saturated taftologichnogo and search engine will be indexed exactly as you want. But the "common opinion" rely, as we know, no - the world is in the dynamics and the search algorithms are no exception to this rule.

Therefore, it is only by experiment, experience and practice - the three whales indicate the right direction. SEO-Copywriting - this field of activity in which, without doubt, is where the person who possesses such qualities as imagination, plodding, and, of course, intelligence. Revenues same copywriter Runet, as elsewhere in the world, differ primarily by how professional copywriter. Of course, that the copywriter has to show the customer a proof of the above, will receive for writing the article far more than a newcomer who only gaining momentum. The minimum price for the same text material size 1 kilobyte usually ranges from 2 to 4 dollars - hence, a professional, for the same volume, has already asked of 9-level and above. But it all depends on the customer and of its possibilities - is recommended for beginners to start with $ 2, and gain experience, gradually raise the bar.

And now a little bit about the features that characterize copywriting as such. Writing original text can be done in different ways. For example, the original text can be drawn from the head, based solely on personal knowledge, which in and stored, and can be altered someone's original article on your mood, to create completely new content that will be the author's creation, do not surrender to anything original - not in terms of copyright or any other criteria. This type of copywriting is called "revrayting" (rewrighting) and, apparently, it can be attributed to the very self-direction in copywriting. Revraytery, again, can be divided into two categories, namely - revrayterov to alter articles based on material published in their native language and those that are based in a foreign publication, but for such a topic that has not yet been covered for example, in runet.

Thus, if with knowledge of foreign languages at a fairly acceptable level and at the same time be able to translate the texts well into the native language, you can contribute to and benefit from use of these skills through the various translations of actual interviews or, let's review regarding the demand, but not before raspiarennyh this hour, the goods. As you can see, the field is not outlined in any frame - just click on any of the options and get down to work. Well, if you have to take into account the fact that every day more and more runetovskih sites seek to acquire a foreign language version, the above-copywriter at any moment can retrain for a translator, and at the moment of creative crisis, he will not face unemployment.

In conclusion, as I would like to say that the profession copywriter there is another positive zest - and it is valued much more than the money that paid for the work. Positive is that writing articles to order, copywriters have to deal with enormous amount of information that needs to be carefully, and digest. It turns out that the copywriter - this erudite man who constantly, will not or will develop its range, acquiring new knowledge and does not stop in its development. You may wonder - do, copywriter pay the money because he knows this world?

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